Snake clings to wing of Qantas plane
Snake clings to wing of Qantas plane
A snake clings to the wing of a Qantas plane as it makes its way between the city of Cairns in north Queensland, Australia, to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. Passengers first became aware of the reptile 20 minutes after take-off. The 10ft scrub python clung to the vessel for the entire 1hr 50 min flight, but was found dead on arrival.
A snake clings to the wing of a Qantas plane as it makes its way between the city of Cairns in north Queensland, Australia, to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. Passengers first became aware of the reptile 20 minutes after take-off. The 10ft scrub python clung to the vessel for the entire 1hr 50 min flight, but was found dead on arrival.
PurePower PW1200G, Pratt & Whitney
PurePower PW1200Gというのは、三菱航空機が開発している三菱MRJ、国産リージョナルジェット旅客機に搭載予定のエンジンです。
PurePower PW1200Gは、Pratt & Whitney社がこれまで20年間に10億㌦(約1,000億円)を投じて開発してきた最新鋭の高効率エンジンで、以前はギアード・ターボファンエンジンGTFと呼ばれていました。実証エンジンは130時間のフェイズ1の地上試験を完了、2009年4月からグッドリッチ製航空機用ナセルを取付け2ヶ月間地上試運転を実施、7月から同社所有のボーイング747SP飛行試験機に搭載し11月まで飛行試験を実施しました。
PurePower PW1100G, Pratt & Whitney
PurePower PW1200Gは、Pratt & Whitney社がこれまで20年間に10億㌦(約1,000億円)を投じて開発してきた最新鋭の高効率エンジンで、以前はギアード・ターボファンエンジンGTFと呼ばれていました。実証エンジンは130時間のフェイズ1の地上試験を完了、2009年4月からグッドリッチ製航空機用ナセルを取付け2ヶ月間地上試運転を実施、7月から同社所有のボーイング747SP飛行試験機に搭載し11月まで飛行試験を実施しました。
PurePower PW1100G, Pratt & Whitney
Hot head ... Tomas ironed his face while watching boxing match
A HAPLESS husband trying to convince his wife that he was hot at doing housework ended up accidentally ironing his face.
Tomas Paczkowski, 32, was doing the ironing while watching a boxing match on the telly.
But he got so involved in the bout that he pressed the hot appliance to his face when he heard the phone ring. Tomas then added insult to injury when he ran to the bathroom to put cold water on the burn only to run into the door.
Tomas Paczkowski, 32, was doing the ironing while watching a boxing match on the telly.
But he got so involved in the bout that he pressed the hot appliance to his face when he heard the phone ring. Tomas then added insult to injury when he ran to the bathroom to put cold water on the burn only to run into the door.
Hot head ... Tomas ironed his face while watching boxing match
PadFone 2, ASUS
Asus has announced the launch of the PadFone 2 for December. Exactly like its predecessor, the PadFone 2 is a combination of a smartphone and a tablet. We will be taking a look at a much more revealing form of the phone with all its secrets laid bare when compared to the last generation.
Mini PC come with TV monitor
我が家のWiFi環境は、バッファローのWZR-HP-G450Hという無線LAN親機を2階において、それに私のノートPC、携帯SAMUSUNG Galaxy "y"、ヨメのBlackberry 9320、iPodが繋がっている。
我が家のWiFi環境は、バッファローのWZR-HP-G450Hという無線LAN親機を2階において、それに私のノートPC、携帯SAMUSUNG Galaxy "y"、ヨメのBlackberry 9320、iPodが繋がっている。