

Don't laugh at Japanese local conservative village people, please

I was born in Yokohama city, central Japan and we Yokohama citizen are not so much conservative, primitive....
It's better to replace David to Yokohama, or Tokyo, or Osaka, wherever any places, any Japanese big cities.

You know? "島根県 奥出雲町"="Okuizumo town in western Shimane prefecture" is;
like this town. Deep forest, no sky scraper, old fashioned (like Edo ara?) town. Then, in such a peaceful town, suddenly, huge world famous statue has appeared. Maybe 99.9% of village people don't know who is Michelangelo, who is David, but,
they saw huge statue of a white naked man with big penis. (日本人諸君、これを「ペニス」と発音してもらっては困る。「ピーナス」と発音して頂きたい)
You know? Any countries are it's happened same things.
OK, I'm living in Sri Lanka. If huge statue of a white naked man with big penis appeared in Anuradapura, Kandy, etc., such local cities, it's happened similar problem.
Not only Asia local cities, also it'll be happened in "Back to the Future", like that town in US? Do you understand?
Don't laugh at them, please.... But I.... I.... Hihihihihihi.... Oh! sorry, very very sorry....
It's joke....(・o・)

Japon: le David de Michel-Ange doit-il mettre un slip ?
Des résidents d'une bourgade japonaise veulent mettre un slip à une réplique de la célèbre sculpture David de Michel-Ange, afin d'en cacher les attributs masculins qu'ils ne sauraient voir.

La petite ville d'Okuizumo dans la préfecture de Shimane (ouest) a reçu l'été dernier des répliques de 5 mètres de haut du David de Michel-Ange et de la Vénus de Milo, offertes par un homme d'affaires de la région. Elles ont été érigées dans un parc public où sont installés divers équipements sportifs et une aire de jeux pour enfants.

"Des habitants ont dit aux élus municipaux que leurs enfants avaient peur des statues, qui sont énormes et sont apparues sans crier gare cet été", a expliqué un employé municipal, Yoji Morinaga, à l'AFP.

"Ces statues représentent des personnes nues, un style artistique très rare dans notre région. Des gens pensent que ce n'est pas bon pour leurs enfants", a-t-il ajouté.

Certains ont même demandé à ce qu'on mette un slip à David, a précisé le quotidien Yomiuri Shimbun.

"C'est la première fois que nous avons quelque chose de ce genre chez nous, ce qui laisse peut-être songeurs certains habitants", a souligné M. Morinaga.

Les responsables municipaux ont toutefois bon espoir que les résidents finissent par apprécier ces sculptures, qui pourraient être utiles pour l'instruction artistique des enfants, ou pour attirer des touristes.

La statue originale de David, sculptée au début du XVIe siècle par Michel-Ange, se trouve à la Galleria dell'Accademia de Florence (nord de l'Italie). Celle de la Venus de Milo, découverte en 1820 sur l'île grecque de Mélos, est au musée du Louvre à Paris.
Japanese offended by David's nudity
A replica of Michelangelo's Renaissance sculpture David is unnerving residents of a Japanese town, with some calling for the naked masterpiece to be given underpants.

Okuizumo town in western Shimane prefecture received five-metre replicas of David and of Greek treasure the Venus de Milo last year as donations from a businessman who hails from the area.

The statues were put up in a large public park that also includes a full-size running track, a baseball stadium, tennis courts, a mountain bike course and a play area with apparatus for children.

"Some people have told the town's legislators that toddlers are afraid of the statues because they are so big and they appeared unexpectedly over the summer," town official Yoji Morinaga told AFP.

"They are statues of unclothed humans, and such pieces of artwork are very rare in our area. Some people apparently said the statues might not be good for their children."

While many locals have welcomed the new cultural additions to the mountainside town of fewer than 15,000, some have asked for David to wear underwear to preserve his modesty, the Yomiuri Shimbun said.

"It is the first time we have had anything like this in our town. Perhaps people were perplexed," Morinaga said.

The town believes over time residents will come to appreciate the value of the sculptures, which could be useful in school art classes and may one day become a sightseeing attraction, he said.

The original David is housed in the Accademia di Belle Arti, in Florence, Italy.

The Louvre in Paris is home to the armless Venus de Milo, which stands a little over two metres tall.

Earlier this week Tokyo-based photographer Leslie Kee was arrested for selling books containing pictures of male genitals.

Kee, 41, whose subjects have included Lady Gaga and Beyonce, could be jailed for up to two years and/or fined up to 2.5 million yen ($A26,085) if convicted of obscenity.

Pornography is widely available and produced in Japan, but under domestic law genitals must be obscured, a process usually done through pixelation.
ダビデ裸像に町民から苦情、「下着はかせて」 島根県

高さ5メートルのダビデ像とギリシャの至宝「ミロのビーナス(Venus de Milo)」像のレプリカは、ある実業家の男性が故郷への恩返しとして奥出雲町に寄贈したもの。町では町内の運動公園と児童遊園地にそれぞれ像を設置した。


読売新聞(Yomiuri Shimbun)の報道によれば、町民の多くはダビデ像の設置を歓迎しているものの、一部町民はダビデ像に下着をはかせるよう要求しているという。


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